Dr Mourad W Seif, UK
MSc, Dip (Mang.), PhD, FRCOG, Consultant gynaecologist at St Mary’s Hospital, Manchester UK & the University of Manchester. Lead Consultant for reproductive endocrinology and menopause services at St Mary’s Hospital, with a special interest in reproductive surgery, evidence-based medicine, systematic reviews, and clinical trials. He was awarded the Sims Black Professorship by the RCOG in 2013 He was an editor in the Cochrane Collaboration in Gynaecology and Fertility Group until 2015. He has achieved a high profile in Global Women’s Health, was an International Consultant to UNFPA, the Founder and Coordinator for the RCOG-Eurovision project, the Project Director and Chair of the Steering Group for UNFPA (EECA) project on building capacity on evidence-based guideline/protocols in sexual and reproductive health in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. He was the External Expert and Chief Editor of the European Board & College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (EBCOG) Standards for Gynaecology, a member of the Faculty (and co-author) of the EBCOG-Master Class on the adaptation of evidence-based guidelines, and was the Responsible Officer for UNFPA-EBCOG Collaboration. He was the Lead investigator for several clinical trials, including Manchester –Lead for the UKCTOCS on ovarian cancer screening; the largest trial of its kind in the world He is an author of a large number of peer-reviewed publications including Cochrane reviews and supervisor and examiner to higher degrees and undergraduates in the University of Manchester and others in the UK and in Europe. Member of the RCOG-Council 2000-06 and Council of the Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Health (FSRH) 2005-9, revalidation, and various other Committees of the RCOG.