Prof. Ibrahim Mahrous, Al Azhar University Dr. Mohamed El Sherbiny The 22nd Editorials
Prof. Ibrahim Mahrous & Dr. Mohamed Sherbiny Vitrificlastocysts 5Ys8-24
Prof. Ibrahim Mahrous & Dr. Mohamed Elsherbiny Endo metrovarian Cancer Final
Fertility after Bariatric Surgery - 7, 2024, Prof. Ibrahim Mahrous & Dr. Mohamed Sherbiny
Risk of unplanned hysterectomy at time of myomectomy, Prof. Ibrahim Mahrous & Dr. Mohamed El Sherbiny
Do severe endometriosis-related painful symptoms, Prof. Ibrahim Mahrous & Dr. Mohamed El Sherbiny
ProtocolChangeRecucycleCancalati on 6-24, Prof. Ibrahim Mahrous & Dr. Mohamed El Sherbiny
Early pregnancy Bleeding after ART - Prof. Ibrahim mahrous& Dr. Mohamed sherbiny
Prof. Ibrahim Mahrous & Dr. Mohamd Elsherbiny-IU.VacuumTTTPPH 12-2023
APS Obstet.Morbidity 9-2023 Prof. Ibrahim mahrous and Dr. Mohamed Elsherbiny
17Hydroxy P48-2023 Dr. Ibrahim Mahrous and Mohamed El Sherbiny
The perinatal outcomes after hysteroscopic treatment of intrauterine Synechiae (IUS)
Prof. Ibrahim Mahrous & Dr. Mohamed elsherbiny - Prednisone for RIF 6-2023
Prof. Ibrahim Mahrous and Dr Mohamed El Sherbiny - MaternalTruma&Fetal CP 5-2023
Are childhood and adolescent adiposity associated with risk of PCOS?
Combination Medical Therapy Versus Methotrexate Alone for Treating Ectopic Pregnancy
Treatment of Chronic Hypertension in Pregnancy
Egyptian Fertility Sterility Society
What is New in Obstetrics, Gynecology and Infertility Fertility
PCOS And Risk of Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes
Live birth rate after embryo, oocyte and ovarian tissue cryopreservation WHAT IS KNOWN ALREADY